20 Essential Home Security Tips to Make Your Home Safer

Everyone thinks it won't happen to them, but home burglaries are more common than you think. Thousands of homes are burglarized every day, and the truth is that many of these incidents could have been prevented with some very simple measures.

One of the simplest, inexpensive steps residents can take to prevent home invasions is to keep their windows and doors closed at all times when they are not actively in use. This is especially important on the first floor, as the easiest way for an intruder to access the home is through first floor windows and doors that don't close.

This doesn't mean that residents can't open windows – but for good security, it's important that they get into the habit of closing and locking windows overnight, or when leaving the house, and lock all doors.

In this post, we are going to discuss 20 easy home security tips and tricks to help you keep your home safe.

Here Are 20 Things To Keep In Mind If You Want To Safeguard Your Home Against Theft & Burglary

Invest in a Quality Security System:

Start with a reliable home security system that includes surveillance cameras, motion sensors, and door/window alarms. Many systems are now accessible through mobile apps, allowing you to monitor your home remotely.

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Secure Entry Points:

Reinforce doors with solid frames, deadbolt locks, and strike plates. Use high-quality locks on all windows, including sliding and basement windows, to deter potential intruders.

Outdoor Lighting:

Install motion-activated lighting around your property. Well-lit exteriors discourage burglars and make your home less appealing as a target.

Recommended Read: Outdoor Landscape Lighting Ideas

Landscaping Awareness:

Trim bushes and trees near windows to eliminate potential hiding spots. A well-maintained landscape enhances visibility and reduces the risk of unauthorized entry.

Secure Garage:

Keep your garage secure by installing a robust lock and ensuring the overhead door is in good working condition. Don't overlook the security of this entry point.

Smart Locks for Convenience:

Upgrade to smart locks that offer keyless entry. These locks can be controlled via a smartphone app, and you can grant access to trusted individuals remotely.

Window Coverings:

Use curtains or blinds to prevent outsiders from peeking inside. This not only protects your privacy but also prevents potential burglars from scoping out your possessions.

Visible Security Measures:

Display security system signs and decals prominently. A visible security presence acts as a deterrent and signals that your home is protected.

Secure Wi-Fi Network:

Protect your home network with a strong password and encryption. Unsecured networks can be vulnerable to hacking, compromising your smart home devices and security systems.

Social Media Caution:

Avoid broadcasting your whereabouts on social media, especially during vacations. Share your experiences after returning to avoid advertising an empty home.

Get to Know Your Neighbors:

Establish a good rapport with neighbors. They can be additional eyes and ears for your property, alerting you to any suspicious activities.

Secure Valuables:

Invest in a safe for important documents, jewelry, and valuable items. Bolt the safe to the floor plans for added security.

Install a Peephole:

Install a peephole in your front door to identify visitors before opening it. This simple device adds an extra layer of security.

Firearm Safety:

If you own firearms, store them in a secure gun safe with restricted access. Follow local laws and regulations regarding firearm ownership.

Regular Home Maintenance:

Maintain your home's exterior, including fixing broken windows, doors, and locks promptly. A well-maintained home is less likely to attract unwanted attention.

Emergency Plan:

Develop and practice an emergency evacuation plan with your family. Make sure everyone knows escape routes and where to meet outside the home.

Security Film for Windows:

Apply security film to windows to make them more resistant to shattering. This film adds an extra layer of protection against break-ins.

Home Automation:

Use home automation to simulate occupancy when you're away. Timers for lights, TVs, or radios can create the illusion that someone is home.

Home Security Audit:

Periodically assess your home's security. Look for vulnerabilities and address them promptly to maintain a robust defense against potential threats.

Professional Home Security Assessment:

Consider hiring a professional security expert to conduct a thorough assessment of your home's security. They can provide personalized recommendations based on your specific needs.


Securing your home is an ongoing process that involves a combination of technology, awareness, and proactive measures. By implementing these 20 essential home security tips, you can create a comprehensive security plan that safeguards your home, valuables, and, most importantly, your loved ones. Remember, a secure home is a haven where you can live with confidence and peace of mind.

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